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Who are we ?
We are a group of Catholic boys ranging from grades 6-8. We participate in community service projects that help the town of Maywood, New Jersey. We are sponsored by the Maywood Knights of Columbus and the Our Lady Queen of Peace Church in Maywood. We undertake any kind of project that will benefit others, from fund raisers for multiple organiztions, to cleaning up the local chruch. This is a good group to get into when you like to help others and feel good about yourself. It's run by kids (with adult superviosion) who have meetings twice a month to discuss what we will do next.

What We Do
As mentioned above, we do service projects. In the past we have had car washes, Christmas tree sales, Haunted Houses at Halloween and may other things. We cook for homeless, raise money for retared citizens, help out at town and church gatherings, and anything else that is asked of us. You get a great feeling after helping others, which is why most squires never quit.

Why Should I Join ?
Many people join for various reasons. Kids who like to help others, kids who need community service projects for school, and kids who like doing something constuctive in their spare time. People also join for the fun aspects. We got to sports events, have picnics and other activities which are all free, that's why we have fundraisers.